Thursday, June 30, 2005

Gave it a few days

Alright so i've heard that my blog isn't interesting enough. I guess i need blood and carnage for some of you. Unfortunetly I don't have any. I'm supposed to go to the fair on friday, and my mother never used to let me go to the fair cause she said i would get shot. So i might have a story for you on friday or saturday, assuming i recover. Mckenzie says she'll protect me, she said she'd jump in front of the bullet for me, I like her.

Day 8

So tonight will be my eighth day in a row at work. Judgin by how tired i got last night this should get iteresting. I picked up Jerremies patio last friday, April's Tuesday, and Tiffany's Wed. I get paid today though and i'm making money so i'm on my way to my goal. YAY.

In other news

I've been working a lot so there hasn't been too much news. Sleeping alot, although today i was able to get out of bed at 9:30 and take a shower. I'm wearing shorts, and hopefully i will get out of the house at some point before i have to go to work (5:15). Maybe I'll go read. Mackenrow made cookies for my dad, and he's excited, at least that's what my mom tells me, cause i've actually only seen my dad for a total of about 5 min i the last week. He works till about 5:30, and I go to work before he gets home and he's in bed by the time i get back. Oh yeah good bye 8 months, Heck Yes. I need to get out though. Like I said I'm going to the fair on friday, trying to get Mckenzie to get it off so she can come too. Oh yeah I'm supposed to go golfing on friday too. Anyway, Cheryl and Jess, and a crapload of other people are coming to the fair, YAY. I heard someone can't come cause their sig-other won't let them, but whatever he's a punk anyway. Alright i think that's enough. Oh just so everyone knows, you can leave comments to the posts just click the link that says "# comments" where the # is usually a 0, yeah so anyway leave me comments so i know who's checking this thing out, if I know my audiece I can try to make it more interesting for yall. Later.

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