Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What's been going down

Aight so a while back I was sort of forced out of my Jopb at good ole MC's. Thankfully my GM loved me, and she hooked it up so I "quit", that ruled. Anyway I was without a job for about a month and a half, YAY no income. Yeah Fortunetly I had a crapload of savings so was able to not only survive but experienced virtually no change in my lifestlye. Heck Yes.
I eventually started applying for jobs and got hired at Outback and Black Angus. I went with Outback beacuase it looked like more fun. It was awesome cause i got hired before i knew that i had "quit" MCs and so i told them the real reason I left and they totally understood, that rocked. I've been working there a few months now and I love it. The people are mostly awesome, there's a couple that mysteriosly can't stand me, but whatever, no one else seems to understand it either, so to each his own. There's always someone to talk to or shoot the shit with cause there's usually at least like 18-20 people on the floor every night. I work with a ghuy that used to push me into lockers and shit in like 7th grade, that's funny and it's a big joke now, Mike's a good guy. I've made a lot of new friends. I'm getting better at poker and actually won some money the game before last -- "I will beat you and I will take all your money Rob" -- he didn't listen, hehe.
I got into college, I'm going to be a Mechatronic engineer at Chico state, I move into UV on the 17th of aug and start class on the 22nd. It should be fun. I definetly will be there 3 years though my major is a high unit one and it's actually impossible to get all the classes and everythign done in two. No worries.
I've been seeing someone for about the last two weeks (Keepin it low key for now). As of last night she's officially my girlfriend. I like her, she's cute. We're 12 together, I like that. I hug her form behind while we walk, she likes that. She's going to be on a plane to Spain on the 17th of aug, yep the same day i move in at chico, I don't like that. She'll be gone for the semester, i'll be gone for three years give or take holidays and shiznit, we'll see what happens.
So there it is, I think i'm caught up. I suppose i could add in the fact that i'm up to 5 books now (excluding computer books and crap). Oh my dad has been teaching me to ride his motorcycle, we've only been able to do it a few times cause I work most nights, and we've both been busy. The family is doing good, my sis moved to a new place and her new roommate doesn't seem too crazy, i like her she seems nice, she's kinda cute too, she's like 30 and seems to have her shit together, Sarah seems much happier. Mom's still with FrictionZone, Dad's still workin his ass off at Devcon. They both have Futuras now Dad's is red Mom's is this cool blue-green-silver that i keep telling her would look sick with clear turn signal lenses, and she keeps telling me she doesn't want to blend anymore, fewy.
Yeah so I'm gunna start trying to get on here like once a week at least, i figure it's the only lifeline to some and will be for the next 3 years prolly so as long as some one keeps interest, and heck even if no one does it should be good for me to do this ocassionally; maybe i'll make my rents start reading it, so they can keep up with my life while i'm away. I'm gunna miss everyone, I've never been gone that long.

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