Yay Yesterday was a picture day, well picture afternoon / evening anyway. So you have to check out all the new pics 2005-06-22.
Picked up Mckenzie cause her sister took her car. We came back to my place and she finally met my mom. Did the whole first meal that one of us had cooked thing, Heck Yes mac-n-cheese. Mckenzie didn't dig my mac that much cause apparently she makes it with only milk (Yuck); I make mine with only butter (I can't believe it's not butter actually) so I would suppose that's like going from 1% to whole milk (extra Yuck). Heck yes for the 2% kids.
Anyway so mac-n-cheese and cookies and redvines, mmm lunch. Then we watched Hostage It was really good, it has this hella creepy love story sort of subplot that rocked ass. The movie was over and we still didn't have anything to do so I started cleaning my room while she read Stuff. She was a big help though, I'm always more motivated to clean when I have someone to talk to while i'm doing it, and it's so much easier in person than on the phone cause you don't get that krick in your neck. In the process of cleaning my dad came home and my sis came over, so my entire family was here, that's rare. So I found a See's candy thing for a free one pound, Heck Yes. Brieanne called and wanted to go to the mall, I was taking out the garbage at the time. About fifteen minutes later I remembered that she had called. We got ready to go and then jumped in the volvo. Picked up Breianne and off to the mall. Strait to See's. Did you know they will let you customize your own pound, for the same price as one of the crappy pre done assortments? That rules. So we picked out a bunch of candy and then ate it while shopping around. I tried on clothes and sport coats and blazers and all sorts of stuff, I found a bunch of shirts that I liked but I need more money for all that.
I needed a soda. We went to McDonalds, Yay. All I wanted was a soda but I ordered a quarter pounder with cheese meal, supersized the soda, and ate everything.
More malling, Yay. So then we were done at the mall, oh yeah we smelled candles too. So we're done at the mall and we head to Wal*Mart. I love Wal*Mart. On the way there I break out the camera and start taking pictures of like everything. I really want one of those under-armor things, that was cool. So then we're going around taking pictures of random shit and generally just having fun, throwing mini nerf footballs around and riding bikes. They have this one with a really wide back tire and a raked front end like a choppier, it's got a center stand too, not just a kick stand. Then who do we see, it's Mckenzie's mom, Awesome. She was looking for some weird doll that none of us had ever heard of, I helped her look but couldn't find it. Oh yeah somewhere back there Mckenzie and I played basketball with one of those really big rubber balls. Mckenzie's mom told us to be careful about getting in trouble and that she would disavow us if we were to get caught, you know the usual. So then we walked around some more, and I think we were mostly done with Wal*Mart after that, a little more throwing the balls around. Oh wait I found a hat, I put it on. Mckenzie got it and put it on, she looked cute. Then we put on ties, and I got the hat back, I looked hot. I found a shirt with little music things on it, it matched the hat. So off to starbucks cause I had to go pee, we waited cause I didn't realize till we were already walking out of Wal*Mart. Then to Barnes&Nobel. Mckenzie's gunna bake me stuff so she was looking at cookbooks, I took a picture of one of the recipes so we wouldn't have to buy the book. The I took a picture of a book on Project Management that looked really good.
We brought Brieanne back home and then drove around cause my parents are weird and I can't have anyone over after like 9 or something. So we drove around and ended up in Walnut Creek, Mckenzie was hungry so we went to McDonalds again. YAY. Then we realized how tired I was so I drove her home and than came home started the upload process for all the pictures and passed the f*ck out.
We're supposed to go read today. Mckenzie has to read her Psych book and I have that Cryptonomicon book that I want to start. She has class later, I have work at 4, I'm on the patio so come visit me.
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