Saturday, October 04, 2003

Isn't waking up good enough

Well that's right I woke up today. I also went to work. Work was good, nothing too exciting.
I got a call from my mom while i was at work today. I don't normally answer my cell phone at work but my mom also doesn't call me at work usually. I answred and she told me that my Dad ell off his bike (motorcycle). She didn't sound too upset, not frantic or anything, and she said that she had not talked to my dad yet but that she was heading down to the hospital in Holister and that the doctor said that he had just hurt his hip pretty bad. I told he to keep me posted and went on threw my day. I got a call a while later from my sister saying that my mom was on her way back with my dad, and that he was ok nothing broken.
When i got home my parents had just gotten home and my dad was tying to figure out how to sit down. He finnaly managed his way to the floor. I asked him what happend and he didn't know. He says he was riding along a bend in the road at about 30 -35 mph and then his buddy was giving him water on the side of the road, and the cops and firetrucks where all around. From what everyone else said i guess his bike did a couple of summer saults. I didn't think to much of that until i asked whish bike it was; I was assuming it was his 2000 Susuki SV650. It ended up being his 2001 Harley Dina Wide Glide. I can't wait to figure out what happend there. The bike huge and long and it sits real low. I might sound like i have a complete lack of compasion here wondering about the bike and all, but you would have to know my relationship with my famiy. I admit i kinda dropped inside when i heard that my dad fell, but once i found out that he was going to be alright and that it was all just a couple of weeks resting; i lightened the hell up and started giving him crap. Go Dad recover quick!
It's Saturday night and I aint got shit to do
Yeah I'm lame it's 10:54 on saturday night and I'm at home writing in my blog. Yeah I know i'm excited about the whole blog thing so it's not too bad, but yeah that should tell you how lame i am. I'm excited about my blog. I think i'm going to go to bed. I have a bookshelf that i got for free. The purpose of which is to put all my computer books on (I have a lot). but i so far have just been stacking other shit on it. I was thinking of hunkering down and actually putting my computer books on it. I bring this up because I was thinking about doing that before i go to bed. I also need to put away my clothes. My mom did the Laundry the other day (i would do my own but she doesn't let me because she doesn't want that many loads running, we live in California, utilities are shity). I have a big stack of folded clothes chillin' in my room. I also have to write two essays for this week. One is 3-5 pages on a book i haven't read, the other is 10 pages on a topic that i have to reasearch. I usually try to write reasearch papers on computers but i always hate researching them even though they are a jigantic part of my life so i decided to go with something random, The Bermuda Triangle. I may have spelled that wrong but guess what, I don't care. MMMMMM Ovaltine shakes. Yeah so i made a cool little active desktop thing that is basically just a blog this button that brings up a sized blog post window; shut it! It makes me happy. I have decided that i need to buy a tux when i get money cause i never have one when i need one. The local Black and White ball was tonight. The restaurant that i work at wqas going to be serving some food and stuff there. I would only have had to serve from 8 - 10 and then i would have gotten to party till 1. But i din't have anything to wear. I just found out about it today and nobady does tux rental super short notice. So I have desided i need a tux. Besides I look damn good in a tux. Subsonic Kicks Ass. I'm kinda random tonight have you noticed. K that's it for tonight i think wow i'm lame going to bed at 11:00 on a Saturday. Oh well night.

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