Sunday, October 26, 2003

It started out good

Today wasn't allthat bad. I woke up and for some strange reason my parents were goe. Now that's not normally all the weird but all of the cars were still here and all of the bikes were still here. I tried calling my mom on her cell but she probably hadn't taken it with her anyway so whatever. I got ready for work watched a little Popular Hot Rod, and went to work. It was a rather slow day for the most part i got shannon out early and Adrianna as usuall desided for herself when she was cut and then procedded to take way to long to get her shit done. Nothing unusual so far. So anyway i'm doing prety good and my favorite customers ever came in. It's this woman, who reminds me of my grandmother (super cool) and her husband who looks like he is pissed off all the time (which actually reminds me of my grandfather (also super cool)). Anyway he always looks pissed off but you couldn't piss him off if you tried. Back when I was first serving I got them all the time and it would alwasy be right at the oint in the rush that it was going to take forever to get there food out, and on top of that for some random reason the cook always seemed to screw up there food and had to remake it. Anyway you can't piss them off. There great though they always order the same thing and usually have a slice of pie. They don't tipped extremly well or anything but they do tip about 15 and they are super nice about everything. K back to my day. they left and i had a couple tables. At the time i didn't really know what hit me but later i looked at my server report and found that i had got 11 tables in a half hour period, on top of a couple that i already had. All in all it turned out all right, i had one old couple that had come in for pie leeve before i got the pie out to them and one of the two that i had started with complain and the manajor took care of there check (it was only pie too). So allin all i thin it turned out ok. The biggest problem is that no one ever notices the fact that you are the only one taking tables and that there are like you know 10 other tables in the emediat vacinity. I hate people.
I'm hoping to find a project that i can work on, something kind of structured. I realize some would say homework fits into that catagory but i'm looking for something fun. Homework isn't fun. Halloween is coming up this week and everyone keeps asking me what i'm going to be. I have no idea. I really haven't put much thought into it, and i'm probably going to end up being me. I really don't feel like spending money on it this year, i walways end up blowing at least 30 bucks on a costume or whatever and it sucks cause you wear it uncomfortably for one night and then never see it again. I really want to get this in car thing going but i don't have all the peices yet. I still need a way to power it wich i think im just going to use an invertor for cause i don't have the money for a DC-DC ps for it. the 802.11g card dosn't work yet cause it doesn't have linux drivers. I'm not sure what applications to put on it and i need to design an interface that will display alright on the luittle monitor i have, the horible picture quality of which comes from the fact that it's running off the TV-out of the little computer. k i think it's bed time

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Sorry Guys

Yeah so it's been a while since i have writen. I've been kinda anti-social latley and i think i have been detered from writing because of it. I realize that this is how a few people have been keeping up with my life and by not writing it was one more way to shut them out. I'm not sure what my deal is lately. I found out the other day that I passed English, not only did i pass but I got a B. Thant's incredible considering how little work i did. It also makes me feel bad for the people that worked hard and did everything and still got Bs. What are you gunna do. I figured out that even without a single lab done i have a C in physics but i just turned in the very first lab that we did at the begining of the semester the other day so i shouldn't be too bad off. The red bull flugtag (spelling?) is tomorrow and a bunch of people i know are going. I wanted to go but i had to work so i didn't bother thinking about it. Jamie told me everyone was going yesterday (i mean thursday, i know it's saturday but it's still friday night for me). She tried to get a couple people to cover my shift so i could go but every one had plans so that didn't work out. It turns out though that just about everyone is going to the flugtaug(maybe?). I guess it's good that I'm, not going cause i really can't afford a day in the city plus they are all going to The Cheescake Factory afterward. I also think it's good cause i need to start being independent of Jamie i still feel like i'm atatched to her whenever we hang out together. I want to be her friend and all but i don't feel i will ever escape being her ex. I've been goig to the gym (i missed the last couple of days). We got free 30 day passes through work. I've been feeling really good and I want to move on with stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm still chicken shit when it comes to girls, and i don't really have any viable prospects at the moment; but i want to be able to. A couple of people have been sugesting that i try to date a certain 16 year old that i think is hella cute. This i understand to be wrong. I'm 20 almost 21 years old it's just wrong to date 16 year old girls. anyway that's out of the question so you guys (and you know who you are) can stop pushing. DSL is cool and I've reeped the benifits many times in the last week or so. My mom doesn't seem too impressed but i think she will come around. her computer is kinda old so it can't really handle all the shit the new connectin wants to do, that combined with the fact that she refuses to upgrade to the newest version of anything, make it dificult to demonstrate to her the power of broadband. anyway, I want a social life but it seems like all the other things i want in life get in the way. My mom says i'm self absobed, i think she might be right. unfortunetly my head doesn't want to get around all the stuff that I want to do. I went to the movies last weekend and this with michelle and brandon, but that was on friday, and tonite, saturday i end up sitting at home alone at my computer. I have had a couple opertunities to do other things but i pass them up, i don't know why. I make excusses to not have to have a social life. But i want a social life. I don't know what to do. I'm getting by in school, although Calc isn't looking promising, i've failed the first two tests and haven't turned in but a lick of homework. I go to class every day. I'm one of those people that goes to class but just doesn't do the work required to do well. I think part of it is that i am so used to just getting math that now that it's actually challenging i don't want to try. I think i might have a fear of failure. Although when it comes to women and all i don't have a fear of them saying no, i can take no all day long, which in itself is probably an issue. But i do have a fear of them saying yes and then bailing on me. I've only been on one actuall date in my whole life and the other two girls i tried to date bailed on me multiple times. The second one at least had the decensy to tell me she was gunna bail where as the first was convieniently unreachable when the time came. I think I'm bitter about a lot of the things that have happened to me. Don't get me wrong i realize there are a lot of people in the world that probably wish all they had was my problems, but (and i don't think that this is all that self centered) these problems are happening to me. now it's not to say that i don't care about other peoples problems just that, this is my place to talk about mine. I suppose my recent anti social behavior could be the result of me feeling really lonly lately even in the company of others, including friends and family. There;'s just a certain part of me that can't be filled by friends, familly, or the occasional piece of ass. It's odd when i get lonely i draw back from everything. I always have. Hold up in my room all day, fiddling with my computer, or sitting in front of the TV whatching whatever random crap i happen to surf to. Jen's leaving me. she's moving to santa barbara, don't get me wrong i luv jen to death and i'm way happy for her, but i'm gunna miss her. BYE JEN I LOVE YOU. OK she's not leeving for a couple of months (dec) but yeah like i said i've been kkinda anti social and haven't seen her much. I almost feel like maybe when i'm done with all of this i will emerge ready to take on the world, ready to be a new person i still want to be me, I fucking great damn it, but ther are some things i would like to change. I'm a cocky son of a bitch, but when it comes down to it i'm all talk. I need a skill. something that I can be good at that not evryone want s me to do for them something for me that i know i'm good at, that i don't have to share with anyone. But then what good would it be if no one knew. Maybe i would know but what good is that. I need to feel accpeted i think that's alot of it too. I'm a lot of thins i don't want to be, and only a few that i do. Some times i wish i was normal. Some people ask what's "normal". I think those people are usually normal themselves (yeah i think that's spelled wrong). I'm lazy too, like that last word I'm way to fucking lazy to find out if it's wrong, it just doesn't look right. There are very few 'I' s that are capitalized when they should be in this paragraph, and that's because i am too lazy to hold the shift key with my pinky when i type the letter. It all comes down to the little things. When i wake up tomorrow i have to go to work. owrks getting kinda boring the same short handed crew on saturday the same getting screwed on my shift sunday. I need some excitment in my life, that lasts for more than a few minuets or a day, i need something new, a change of scenery. I've thought about going someplace but i can't, everything i have is here. school, work, a place to live. If i went somewhere else i would have to give up all the things that allow me my lazy life. I should do something about it, but i'm lazy and i see no end in sight ot that. I have boxess upon boxess upon big piles of shit, all half done projects, I think i'm incapable of doing anything completely. when i eat a burger even i almost always leave that last 3/4 of a square inch of bun and burger. But like i said it all comes down to the little things. Hopefully i will feel better tomorrow.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Super Yay

Sweet I got DSL today and i just spent a shitload of time getting the wireless connection to work from the router/AP in my room to another one that i knew wasn't able to act as a bridge in my moms office. Sometimes i just like to make things difficult. Yeah but anyways I'm super tired so I'm gunna go to bed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Aight here's how it goes down

Ok so about last night ending up sucking ass. I ran the credit card for my last table and brought it out to them. They were doner with everything and were just going to sit there for a while, they didn't want refills on drinks or anything so i left them and went to roll some silver ware (rolling silver sucks ass, and it's classy too). Whne i was done rolling my silver ware i went to go pick up their check and on my way there Andrea pointed out a computer with a credit card that had been declined. I realized it was mine and looked for the customers but unfortunetly they had left already. After trying to run it many times and manually entering it a few, I gave up. Fortunetly my manager was nice and 50d the 45 some odd dollar check and i only had to eat 20 something (shity). So yeah not wanting to be a complete ass hole i tipped the busser on what i should have made which was a huge percentage of what i actually made and left myself with no money for the nights work. But aside from that point work was great. Caroline wasn't working but she came in and hung for a while while she did some homework. She showed everybody her dress for homecoming, i guess her and a friend are going as wilma and fred flinstoine so it's this cute little zebra print thing. So that was cool, and Ann was hosting, she's usually prety fun.
On to the School stuff...
I think i killed my midterm in physics today. So that's good. It was open note/book/everything. One of the questions required figuring out the number of seconds between like january 26 1977 and sept 18 1983 or something like that so i found a website with a nice little date calculator thing it's called That helped a lot.
Other Shiznit
I bought a book today, it's called "How to Ruin Your Love Life", it's by Ben Stein. I read the introduction and so far it's prety good. I've also been reading this book my sister got for me for my last birthday. It's called "Zen for Begginers" so i guess it's prety close to that "Zen for the Suburban White Kid" thing i was talking about before. I'm about half way through it wich sounds like an achievement but you have to realize that its' writen with little caption box type thing on each page so half a book isn't all that much, but it's good so far i never realized buda wasn't alwasy buda. he started out as just some prince dude whos father was over protective and never let him outside the palace.

Anyway, I think i'm done for now so chew that up and think about it.

Monday, October 13, 2003

keepn' it real...

Short that is,it's late I'm going to bed. Worked ended up sucking after all the good that happened tonite but i will tell ya bout that later, Bed.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Testing manual post Title and other stuff...
This is a test. I'm sending an IM to my Blog through gaim. I'm interested to see how it turns out as well as if i can use my custom subtitle thing.
This Is a subtitle
yeah i realize that was kinda lame but hopefully it will work. aight catch ya later

Friday, October 10, 2003


I'm fuckin tired. I finnaly got the accent lights that i bought forever ago put up. Found out i got like a 46% on my math test, so that's shitty i really need to hunker down and take care of this shit. I hate homework but unfortunetly it's the only way i thinki'm going to start getting ths math. Up until this i've always just kinda gotten math and it hasn't required too much thought. It sounds super lame but now i have to think and it sucks.
Oh the Fortunes
So i have determined that may day can be decided by my "hot chick iof the day" callendar, It's really one of those picture a day sports illustrated callendars. But really whenever the picture is just kinda eh, my day is eh, whenever it's a really hot chick my day is good, and when the picture sucks ass, it could go either way. So i see it as a sumwhat relyable gauge as to how my day will be. k gooing to bed now. I'm really tired all the time lately hopefully i'll figure it out and not be so tired all the time, then i can get some time to get a few more really long entries. ok really going this time...

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Well that's it

I turned in my english paper today at 6.75 pages including pictures.
I got a free 30 day thing to 24hr Fitness so we'll se how that goes. I have no plan to actually pay for a membership but wether or not i use it it was free so i figure who cares.
Things are going well on the me front, although i still haven't gotten paid DAMN YOU NOPPER!!!!! but yeah my mom bought me canned pears. I love canned pears. mmmmmmm. Oh yeah this is the best part of my day. When i was getting ready for school this morning my mom called me down to her office and asked me about DSL. and then...
She Signed up for it. That's right I'm getting DSL, she's gunna charge me $10 a month which is the difference from what she is paying now but i think i can get my sister to split it with me. SWEET. Soon i will be on the high speed road to the end of the internet, maybe i can finnaly finish it :). but yeah i think I'm going to need a bigger hard drive, mine is only 13 gigs to start with and i'm down to a gig of free space as it is. With that much extra freedom to dl stuff i can only imagine how i'll be.

aight I'm out for now

Another late night

Wel another late night workig on my essay, it's due tomorrow so we'll see. I'm really tired. I was looking through some stuff today and found something that made me more glad than ever that i made a major decision about a year and a half ago. I realized that things where worse than I had thought up till today. I hope i never put myself in the same situation again, at least for very long. I'm not sorry for having done it and I've always been of the mind to never want to change things in my past but I am glad that i am no longer in the situation.

Nite everybody.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

It just doesn't have the same ring to it as the whole "Sunday" thing does. anyway this ones gunna be short because i've been typing all night for this reasearch paper in english. unfortunetly i'm having a lot of trouble making it not sound exactly like my sources. the topic is well covered and i've always found it hard to restate things in a different way when the orriginal thing was already a good way to say it. I've been adding in other related facts to try and bring things into context. like the average rainfall in the Bermuda triangle is 60 inches, i compared that to the rainfall in Livermore at about 14 inches. I figure that will give the reader some perspective to sit back and say wow, that's a shitload of rain. The weird thing about rain measurment is that it doesn't matter that the bermuda triangle is a much larger area than livermore becase the rainfall measurment is independent of the size of the area.
The rest of life
Yeah so my dad is ok and all. His hip still hurts but he's feeling better. I guess someone is coming from the local Harley dealer to pick up the bike so that they can get an estimate for the inssurance company.
Penile Enhancement
Yeah so have you noticed that everyother email you probably get is for penile enhancement. I have determined that they can sell it with anything. Cherrios => look inside for your free penile enhancement. My mom and sister get them to, that's great. My sister got one today that was for pennis development, I was like cool so now you can develop one to hae enhanced. I think they are goig a little far though. i have tried clicking the don't send more links and everything but i swear they sell your address to like 30,000 other companies before that 72 hour window they give is up. becuase the more of them i unsubcribe to the more i seem to get. It's luike these exponential increase problems we've been doig in Calc. I wish i could pull off some sort of exponential decay thing and then i could integrate it and maybe endup with a breast enhancement cause you know i get a lot of those emails too. And i wonder if thse people realize that i'm 6'3" and 145 lbs and they are sending me tons of email for weight loss. I'm already considered anorexic by the government. And it's not my fault i eat like a champ and i've tried eating healthy and eating crap and a mix of the two and nothing works to gain weight so suck it.
Did anyone notice the fact that we are electing a new "Guber" yeah i thought that was funny, so Grey is gone and the Terminator steps in. Although i'm not sure how they have announced that so soon since less than 50% of the votes had been counted. I realize that he might have been winnning that 50% but what 50% was it because it's not an evenly distributed 50% it's certain counties and only parts of them at that so what happens when they count the other 50% and it happens to be all of central California and they all wanted bustamante, well i think there 100% of 50% kicks out the Arnold's 25% or whatever of less than 50% so what the hell. now i know they are probably playing some sort of cray averages game or whatever but i still think it's premature.

OK going to bed that was a lot longer than i had anticipated i guess i just start rambling some times. what can i say this things fun. By the way i wanted to appologize for not saying much yesterday i was kinda busy. holly crap i didn't even talk about that well i'm not going to and by the time it's tomorrow i won't care about yesterday and then you'll never know so HA. but wait it's already tomorrow so i guess i was right i don't care about yesterday. Huh that's interesting ok here i go...

Sunday, October 05, 2003

It's gunna be a short one

Work was slow. Alias kicked ASS (as usual) and i'm going to bed.

Another Sunday

Well I dont work until 2 on sunday's so i usually wake up at about 9 or 10 and start whatching hunting and car shows on Spike TV. My mom and dad went to pick up my dad's bike in king city (that's where they towed it to after he crashed. MSN sucks ass by the way. Yes I am still on dialup, blame my mom. It's kicked me offline two or three times this morning. Caroline isn't working tonite so that sucks, she's cool and makes work go by quicker. Aight i'm all ready to go. A little bit of horse power TV and Trucks before I go and I'll type at you later.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Can someone write me a book

"How to be Zen like a Suburban White Kid"

Isn't waking up good enough

Well that's right I woke up today. I also went to work. Work was good, nothing too exciting.
I got a call from my mom while i was at work today. I don't normally answer my cell phone at work but my mom also doesn't call me at work usually. I answred and she told me that my Dad ell off his bike (motorcycle). She didn't sound too upset, not frantic or anything, and she said that she had not talked to my dad yet but that she was heading down to the hospital in Holister and that the doctor said that he had just hurt his hip pretty bad. I told he to keep me posted and went on threw my day. I got a call a while later from my sister saying that my mom was on her way back with my dad, and that he was ok nothing broken.
When i got home my parents had just gotten home and my dad was tying to figure out how to sit down. He finnaly managed his way to the floor. I asked him what happend and he didn't know. He says he was riding along a bend in the road at about 30 -35 mph and then his buddy was giving him water on the side of the road, and the cops and firetrucks where all around. From what everyone else said i guess his bike did a couple of summer saults. I didn't think to much of that until i asked whish bike it was; I was assuming it was his 2000 Susuki SV650. It ended up being his 2001 Harley Dina Wide Glide. I can't wait to figure out what happend there. The bike huge and long and it sits real low. I might sound like i have a complete lack of compasion here wondering about the bike and all, but you would have to know my relationship with my famiy. I admit i kinda dropped inside when i heard that my dad fell, but once i found out that he was going to be alright and that it was all just a couple of weeks resting; i lightened the hell up and started giving him crap. Go Dad recover quick!
It's Saturday night and I aint got shit to do
Yeah I'm lame it's 10:54 on saturday night and I'm at home writing in my blog. Yeah I know i'm excited about the whole blog thing so it's not too bad, but yeah that should tell you how lame i am. I'm excited about my blog. I think i'm going to go to bed. I have a bookshelf that i got for free. The purpose of which is to put all my computer books on (I have a lot). but i so far have just been stacking other shit on it. I was thinking of hunkering down and actually putting my computer books on it. I bring this up because I was thinking about doing that before i go to bed. I also need to put away my clothes. My mom did the Laundry the other day (i would do my own but she doesn't let me because she doesn't want that many loads running, we live in California, utilities are shity). I have a big stack of folded clothes chillin' in my room. I also have to write two essays for this week. One is 3-5 pages on a book i haven't read, the other is 10 pages on a topic that i have to reasearch. I usually try to write reasearch papers on computers but i always hate researching them even though they are a jigantic part of my life so i decided to go with something random, The Bermuda Triangle. I may have spelled that wrong but guess what, I don't care. MMMMMM Ovaltine shakes. Yeah so i made a cool little active desktop thing that is basically just a blog this button that brings up a sized blog post window; shut it! It makes me happy. I have decided that i need to buy a tux when i get money cause i never have one when i need one. The local Black and White ball was tonight. The restaurant that i work at wqas going to be serving some food and stuff there. I would only have had to serve from 8 - 10 and then i would have gotten to party till 1. But i din't have anything to wear. I just found out about it today and nobady does tux rental super short notice. So I have desided i need a tux. Besides I look damn good in a tux. Subsonic Kicks Ass. I'm kinda random tonight have you noticed. K that's it for tonight i think wow i'm lame going to bed at 11:00 on a Saturday. Oh well night.

I think i might be going somewhere

Well hopefully my life is going somewhere. Calc wasn't too bad today i managed to figure out one of the problems on the practice test and was able to do it on the borad for extra credit. We have a test on monday and i realle need to do well on it cause my last test sucked ass!
So my check didn't come again today. that's a whole week to mail from southern California to northern. I got a new version of quicken that allows me to track invoices and stuff and i've also started using some of the other features like budgeting to help me save money. more money is always nice, but it's hard to stop spending some times.
We went to dinner tonite at Claim Jumper. I gave clayton his Tiger that i got him for being a month old and i got michelle a four pack of vanilla frapachinos from the store, not form starbucks, and cookies and cream with butterscotch. She had told me a couple of months ago that that is wht she wanted when the baby popped out. I had a burger and fries and a diet coke. i ended up spending 16-17 dollars after tip and everything. Claim Jumpers is expensive, but good. We didn't go to Boomers, i thinki might be giving in to the name. we were alll too tired. i'm actually quite surprised i'm still awake. wait a minute why am i awake. OK that's it i'm going to bed.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Did I forget to mention


Well that's It

After english wich only lasted an hour or so, i went and picked up my paycheck at work. And much to my surprise the check for the windows still had not arrived. Fortunetly my paycheck was higher than i had been expecting.
I got my start in the world of online investing today. I signed up for an account and transfered money into it. The money has yet to come out of my checking account and go into by new brokarage account but hopefully that's just a teknicallity of having opened the account after a certain time or something. I can't wait to get my trade on.
The Birthday Continues
we are supposed to go out ot dinner tomorrow for Jamie's birthday. We are going to Claim Jumper a gold country themed resaurant with huge portions and equally big ticket prices, but the service is generally good and they have some killer steaks. We are then supposed to be going to Camalot a local arcade minigolf go kart place; well now it's called Boomers but everybody hates the new name and it's still built like a castle so we just keep calling it Camelot.
Does it get any better?
TV was alright today i watched a little VH1 some thing about hot young pop stars with crazy money. Tonight was daly show, tough croud, and then on to friend, scrub, CSI, and lost without a trace.

Oh yeah and for everyone that knows me yes I am burning in hell!

Oh Happy Day

Yeah so not only did my group in physics actually get two problems right, I got two things of extra credit for putting it on the board as the first one in the class. We usually get it wrong by like one variable or something, and the ret of my group doesn't like going up to the board and well I love going up to the board. So yeah that was physics for the day. We are working with relativity but it's galalein relativity or something not einstienian which just means that we are assuming that the speed of light is infinite, which by the way it's not. so yeah. I learned that the sun that we see is about 8 minutes old and that if the sun exploded it would be about 8 min before we knew about it. My teacher told me that i am 99.9999% nothing, that made me feel bad about myself :) So yeah now i hate life i'm thinking about sending him the bill for my therapy.
Yeah so my next class is english. I'm hoping that i will get my midterm back and hopefully it will be a decent grade.

The rest of my newly discoverd blog life
So i'm loving this whole blog thing. I have desided that i need wireless access to it so that i can type out shit at all hours of the day no matter what is going on, a nice ipaq or something with a bluetooth connection to my cell phone woudl be nice, I'm thinking of figuring out a way to post from my cell phone itself like sending a text message or something, maybe an email. unfortunetly blogger only alows you to post via email through it's pay service i think it's blogger pro or something. But since it's all through xms or xml or css or whatever t's through anyway (I need to do some reasearch) i thiknk i should be able to figure it out if i really want to. I have a boook on WAP that i should be able to use to make a webpage that i could view from my phone and setup something that way, but i don't know. it all i suppose depends on how much server side shit it will take cause the only site i have that i could post from would be my geocities site but that would be sick if i could do it through there.


my head

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Another day in the life

Well I missed breakfast this morning. Don't you hate it when you set your alarm for a certain time and then when it doesn't wake you up you check it and you accidentally set it for PM instead of AM. Damn I hate that.
Anyway, yeah so I missed breakfast and then went to Calc. We learned about sequences. Well I should say he talked about sequences while I sat there and did my best to listen. He said we wouldn't need it again for a month or so, we are going to go over it again at that time, and I have a test on Monday and it's not on the test. Needless to say it got a little tuned out.
After class I met up with Jen (more on her in a sec). She gave me some accessory stuff for this little computer thing that she had given me a while back. We talked for about 15 minutes and then she went back to class (it was photo lab).
I went and got some gas only 10 dollars worth though (I hate being broke). I washed the windows and ran into this guy Jerris; He worked at the restaurant a while back and then moved back to Oregon. He's a cool guy, and he's in town for a few weeks so that should be cool. Once again my check for the windows didn't come, although I’m sure you don't know much about that either so I’ll elaborate later.
I had a pretty lazy rest of the day after that. I went home and watched TV; there was some good stuff on. A new Enterprise, Jake 2.0 and the daily show as always kicked ass. I watched a little Emeril today too, but he wasn't cooking anything too interesting and I didn't hear him say BAM once that was disappointing.

Ok so Jen. I met her last semester in rock climbing. A bunch of us started hanging out at starbucks after class and Jen and I hit it off pretty quick, we hung out a lot after school and stuff. it was one of those things that you figure isn't going to go much farther once school is over cause it's the only thing holding you together. WRONG. Yeah we ended up spending a lot of time together this last summer. We even went down to long beach together for an import car show called Hot Import Nights. She's big into imports and she is a photo major (hence the photo lab). She wants to take pictures for the Oakland raiders on the sidelines. Right now she has an internship doing just that and she is really excited. Unfortunately she doesn't have a job but she's working on that too; interview today, I'll have to ask her how it went.

Getting paid for the windows
UUUUUUUUG. Yeah so I used to get paid out of petty cash from the restaurant. All fine and good I submitted an invoice and got paid on the spot same day I did the work. Now I have to go through corporate to get paid and for some unexplained reason it takes a month for the check to get cut. Not like up to a month where sometimes it might take ten days sometimes it might take 30. No. It takes 30 days exactly every time to cut the check. But that's not all. After that it has to get looked over by the all mighty "Controller" and his ass apparently takes a week that's a full 7 day week to say uh yeah I guess you can go ahead and pay him the money we owe him. This is the best part after that it goes back to another woman who is sitting literally across the room from the original one that got it at the beginning of this month and a week long journey. And she finally mails it out. It is supposed to be coming from orange California. They I can only assume route it through Botswana because it takes at least another week for the check to arrive back at the restaurant. Can you tell I’m a little upset about this?

Wrapping up
So that was my day. Mostly not very interesting I have to say I’m not the most interesting person on paper (or in pixels). I have English and physics tomorrow. English only has another week to go and I have to say it's not looking good. I don't know why I can never seem to pull it together enough. This is like my fourth time taking 1A. It’s not because I don't have a grasp of the English language although I’m sure it doesn't show in this forum. I just don't like reading books I’m not interested in. When it comes time to write essays about them I haven't read the book and it makes it significantly harder. I did pretty well on my other two essays though I think. I got an A on the first one and I don't think I got the second back yet but I have a feeling I did pretty well.
Have you ever been reading something and realize all of a sudden that you haven’t' actually been paying attention for god knows how long. It's like that every time I try to read something for English. I have only read three count them 3 books in my whole life (I’m only counting novelish type books here) "My Side of the Mountain", "Lighting", and "Brave new World". I actually enjoyed those and I have to say if I had been up to it I might have been able to enjoy "Catcher in the Rye" my junior year in HS. I read rather slowly and the idea of having to go back over the untold number of pages that I had just blanked on thinking about other things is excruciating (yeah it's probably spelled wrong). Oh yeah I have given up on the spell check feature if I don't catch it won't get caught, so HA. ok so i gave in and through this whole thing into word. i got distracted on the phone and couldn't type so i spell and grammar check the whole thing. that of course only includes everything about up until that last HA. but yeah...
I thinkthis is quit a bit longer than i had originally intended the "wrapping up" section to be but oh well.


Ok i found the "show title field" box and now i can get to some real blogging. well not relly but anyway bye for now