Wednesday, September 08, 2004


AND THEN...: "Monday, September 06, 2004
Bush Hates Grandmas
If your eyes glaze over whenever Bush mentions 'medicare', here's what he said about it, merely four days ago, during his nomination speech:

I believe we have a moral responsibility to honor America's seniors, so I brought Republicans and Democrats together to strengthen Medicare. Now seniors are getting immediate help buying medicine.

But then a funny thing happened this Monday.

Medicare premiums will rise 17.4 percent next year, or $11.60 a month, the largest dollar increase in the program's 40-year history, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department said Friday.

It may not be much, but it brings the monthly total to nearly $80.00 a month taken from Grandpa's retirement check. And that means fewer carmels to enjoy when you visit. Why don't you ever visit?"

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Read The Book - John Taylor Gatto

Check this out, I read the prologue so far and i'm actually contemplating buying it. Think about that I mister "have only read three books" am thinking about buying a book based on the prologue alone.
Read The Book - John Taylor Gatto

Thursday, September 02, 2004


It didn't come out but it said something about "blah(heart)BJAY" It was funny.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Monday, July 26, 2004

Saturday, July 17, 2004

The cake

The cake

Dads fifty b day

Dads fifty b day

Online Dictionary -

Online Dictionary -

I just found this and it kicks ass, I've always wanted just this -- everything is a link in the definitions!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Back From SD

Well I'm back, Yeah yeah yeah the whole audioblogger thing fell through, but hey they need to work that shit out it takes too long to get to the beep were you start taling and then you have to hit a bunch of buttons after that and stuff, I know it's free so you can take my bitching along with that fact and throw it out the window.

Yeah so i did one big long post at some point, it would have been the last post, but instead of hitting pund and then 1 and then 2 again, i just hung up and apparently that means it's lost forever. Anyway, so yeah we ended up going to the thing and i ran 12s flat my frst run, the volvo was running like a friggen champ let me tell you. the second time i staged all messed up and got 12.1s. Finally after a little weight reduction and convincing myself to manually shift the automatic, even though my shift gates are all fucked up and i could have accidentally shifted into reverse or park half way down the track, I ended up with 11.8s, which i think is damn good for a N/A 83 Volvo.
Ok, ok I suppose i should tell everyone reading this (all one of you, leave me comments so i know if there are more). That it was only an 1/8th mile drag race, and no tha doesn't mean that i would have run a 24s quarter it doesn't work proportionatly like that (yeah i can't spell). Anyway it's still good none the less. I got some pretty good cheers going on my way back through the pit lane after my runs. I ha d a lot of fun, Jen i think ended up kinda bored cause she is used to her illegal street races and shit. Anyway MAD props out to Bob without whom i would not have been able to race, Thanks Bob!
OK so that was most of the begining of friday there might be more of importance that i remember later but i'm gunna post the rest of the weekends events later cause i want to go to bed. I have my Assembly language midterm tomorrow emediatly after my calculus class, wich by the way is with the crazy cheerleader on crack tomorrow. So Yeah, Oh yeah and through the magic of three meals a day and snacks I appear to have possibly put on 5 pounds. Oh yeah and i want to be a surfer now. And new Rule #1 if you go in the ocean, you don't have to put a shit on the rest of the day.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Thursday, July 01, 2004

This is me.