Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Ok so I figured out I could do it and know I can add it to my arsenal of wonderful content enhancing crap for all of you to enjoy.

Thank you,

There is probably only one of you isn't there. I knew it there's only one. I might have to go into a hole and drown.
Sick that worked!
I'm gunna take a crack at html in this whole blog thing, i'm not sure if it will work cause i haven't bothered to see if it aloows html. but i do know how to write html so here goes.

just a little explination into "Why MACs Suck!"

Thank you

Have a nice day
New post number three. I swear this is the last time I tell you what number it is unless I hit one of those milestone ones like 10 or 50 or something. Anyway the sole purpose of this one is to let you know that I am horrible at spelling and I will be using the spell check feature as much as possible. BUT! This is mostly a free form outlet for me so I'm really not too worried about grammar I might loose my train of thought and repeat something randomly. I assure you that I do not write that horribly in normal everyday life.

Thank you,

The staff in my head.
Hello To All,

This is my second posting to my blog; very fitting since it comes after the first. Well let's see tomorrow is my friend Jamie's Birthday. I already have a present for her and am supposed to go to breakfast with her and my other friend Raimee tomorrow morning at about 7am. I hate waking up early but it's for her birthday so I guess it will be ok. I also have to go to school (Calc II) tomorrow. I also have to wash the windows.

I suppose I should give a little fill in for some of these items.

1) Jamie has been my friend since freshman year in HS. I should probably go ahead and mention that I'm 20 years old and am currently a second year sophomore at a local community college in the east bay. I spent the first four years of our friendship trying to get with her; we finally hooked up and almost got married and then we didn't (long story, maybe another days entry). Anyway that lasted about a year and now we are struggling through the whole we were together and how do we be friends after that thing, this is now a little over a year after we broke up.

2) I met Raimee when she was a cashier at the restaurant that I currently work at.

3) I have worked there 2 years this November. That's also the place where I wash the windows; HEY! $100 every two weeks for one restaurant worth of windows not bad in my book.

4) I normally don't have to be anywhere until at least 10:30

5) I'm a computer science major and am currently taking Eng 1A, Physics 8A, and Calculus 2

Monday, September 29, 2003

This is the first post to through blogger.com to my new blog.
Hope this goes well.